Incredible Cambodia

I can’t write about Cambodia without a few words stolen from Lonely Planet – they say it so well;

“The years of fear and loathing are over.

Right now, Cambodia is just about as hot as it gets on the Global travel map.

Peace has come to this beautiful yet blighted land after three decades of war, and the Cambodian people are embracing the world.

Tourism is taking off, but a journey to this little kingdom is still one of Asia’s genuine adventures.”

Also there are the people. Cambodians have weathered years of bloodshed (nearly 2 million died under Pol Pot), poverty (minimum wage about 1.5 USD a day, GDP per person per annum 820 USD compared to circa 50,000 USD in Singapore), and political instability. Somehow they have come through the experience with their smiles ever present; no visitor can leave Cambodia without an huge amount of admiration and affection for the inhabitants of this beautiful beautiful land.

Harder to silence now,

the criesof anger and sorrow,

and through them,

however indistinct,

the mysterious music of hope and grace.

Such beautiful children, perhaps oblivious to their poor history

Such beautiful children, perhaps oblivious to their poor history

I could not agree more, we love you Cambodia!

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